
Freelance wordpress developer jobs for beginners

Freelance wordpress developer

Freelance wordpress developer is a professional who specializes in designing, developing, and customizing websites using the WordPress platform. As a freelancer, they work independently, offering their services to clients who need websites or web applications built on WordPress. Here’s a comprehensive overview of what it means to be a freelance WordPress developer and how you can succeed in this role.

How to Price Your Services as a Freelance WordPress Developer

Pricing is one of the most challenging aspects of being a freelance WordPress developer. You want to ensure that you’re compensated fairly for your skills, while also remaining competitive in the market.

Hourly vs. Project-Based Pricing

Freelancers typically charge either an hourly rate or a flat fee for a project.

  • Hourly Rate: This method allows for flexibility if the project scope changes. It’s particularly useful for ongoing maintenance tasks or when the client isn’t sure exactly what they need.
  • Project-Based Pricing: This is more common for larger website builds or redesigns. You’ll need to estimate the total time and resources required for the job and quote a fixed price. Project-based pricing is often preferred by clients, as they know the total cost upfront.

Research Industry Rates

To ensure your rates are competitive, research what other WordPress developers are charging. Rates can vary widely based on experience, location, and the complexity of the work. Freelance wordpress developer like Upwork or Freelancer can give you a general idea of what developers with similar skill levels are earning.

Factor in Experience and Specialization

If you’re just starting out, your rates may be lower as you build your portfolio and establish credibility. However, if you have extensive experience or specialize in a specific area of WordPress (like eCommerce or custom plugin development), you can charge higher rates.

Consider Value-Based Pricing Freelance wordpress developer

Instead of simply charging for your time, consider pricing based on the value you’re providing to the client. For example, a high-converting eCommerce website could significantly increase a business’s revenue, so the value of that project may be much higher than a basic portfolio website. Value-based pricing often leads to higher earnings, as it reflects the impact of your work.

Adjust for Ongoing Maintenance

Many developers offer retainer agreements or maintenance packages for clients who need ongoing support. This could involve regular updates, security checks, and performance optimizations. These packages are a great way to ensure recurring income while providing clients with peace of mind.

Finding Clients as a Freelance WordPress Developer

Attracting clients is essential for building a successful freelance business.

Create a Strong Online Presence Freelance wordpress developer

Your website is your number one marketing tool. As a WordPress developer, potential clients will expect you to have a professional, well-designed site that showcases your skills. Include examples of your work, client testimonials, and a clear description of your services. Make sure your site is optimized for SEO to increase your chances of appearing in search results when potential clients are looking for developers.

Leverage Freelance Platforms

Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer are great for finding clients, especially when you’re just starting out. These sites allow clients to post jobs, and you can bid on the ones that match your skills. Over time, as you build positive reviews and a portfolio of successful projects, you can increase your rates and attract higher-paying clients.

Network in WordPress Communities

Join WordPress-specific communities, both online and offline. Participate in forums like, attend local WordCamps, and engage in discussions on social media groups dedicated to WordPress development. By being active in these communities, you’ll establish yourself as a trusted professional, and clients will naturally come to you through referrals.

Cold Outreach Freelance wordpress developer

If you see a business with an outdated or poorly functioning website, don’t hesitate to reach out directly. Send a professional email explaining how your services can improve their site and the potential benefits they can gain from upgrading to a modern, optimized WordPress website. This proactive approach can lead to new opportunities, especially if you target local businesses or startups.

Collaborate with Agencies

Many digital marketing and design agencies need WordPress developers for their client projects. You may be hired on a contract basis or become a go-to developer for their WordPress needs.

Tools and Resources for Freelance WordPress Developers

To streamline your work and manage your projects effectively, there are several tools and resources that can help you as a freelance WordPress developer:

Project Management Tools

Tools like Trello, Asana, or help you stay organized, track progress, and manage deadlines for multiple clients. Keeping track of tasks is essential, especially if you’re juggling several projects at once.

Development Tools Freelance wordpress developer

  • Local Development Environments: Tools like Local by Flywheel or MAMP allow you to develop WordPress sites on your computer before deploying them live.
  • Code Editors: Use editors like VS Code or Sublime Text for writing clean, efficient code. These editors often come with plugins that make writing WordPress-specific code easier.
  • Version Control: GitHub and Bitbucket are invaluable for version control, allowing you to keep track of code changes and collaborate with other developers when needed.

Client Communication Tools

Platforms like Slack, Zoom, or Google Meet are great for keeping in touch with clients. Clear communication is essential for managing expectations and ensuring project success.

Invoicing and Payment Platforms

Tools like FreshBooks, QuickBooks, or Wave allow you to send professional invoices and track your payments. Being able to accept multiple forms of payment (like PayPal or Stripe) can make the process smoother for both you and your clients.

The Future of Freelance WordPress Development

As the web development industry evolves, WordPress development remains a highly in-demand skill, but the role of developers is also changing. With the rise of no-code and low-code platforms, more people are able to create basic websites without needing a developer. However, there is still a growing need for custom-built, professional-grade Freelance wordpress developer that require advanced skills.

The future of freelance WordPress development looks bright, particularly for developers who focus on:

  • Custom Themes and Plugins: As businesses look for unique online experiences, custom solutions will always be in demand.
  • Performance Optimization: With search engines placing more emphasis on page load speed and mobile usability, developers who can optimize WordPress sites will be highly sought after.
  • E-commerce: The ongoing growth of online shopping ensures that developers with WooCommerce expertise will continue to find plenty of opportunities.
  • Security: As cyber threats become more sophisticated, the ability to secure WordPress websites will be a highly valued skill.

By staying on top of these trends and continuing to refine your skills, you can future-proof your career as a freelance WordPress developer.


Becoming a successful freelance WordPress developer requires a mix of technical skills, business savvy, and a commitment to continuous learning. The opportunities are vast, and the demand for talented WordPress developers continues to grow. By building a strong portfolio, networking with other professionals, and staying up-to-date with the latest WordPress trends, you can carve out a successful career as a freelance developer.

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